Asterisk Creative


Top Branding Trends for 2019

Top Branding Trends of 2019 | Branding Tips | Asterisk CreativeWe may be only a few months in to the year, but the top branding trends of 2019 are already starting to emerge. Here are a few of our favorites.

  • Conversational marketing being ingrained as part of the brand.
    As technology evolves, applications such as social media and chat bots are also evolving. They’re becoming a bigger part of companies’ brands. People used to be forced to call a customer service line to get an answer to a question. They’re now using social media comments, Facebook Messenger, tweets, Instagram DMs, and email to get in touch. And they possibly get a faster answer or one that doesn’t require them to sit on hold for an eternity. Many companies have built brands known for their responsiveness to these “new” customer service outlets. That’s happening more and more!
  • A company’s brand becoming more of a factor in where a customer makes a purchase.
    In many cases, a widget is a widget is a widget. With customers being faced with seemingly never-ending options online and offline for their purchases, they’re often looking to buy from companies whose stance on issues important to them align with their own. As a result, many companies are now publicly stating their policies in subtle and not-so-subtle ways via their social media, advertising, and public relations efforts. This, in turn, becomes part of their branding.
  • Influencers as brand ambassadors making an impact.
    As social media continues to be a part of daily life for most, more and more purchases are impacted by what they see there. When a person is in the market for a particular product or service, seeing accounts they follow on social media endorse a specific vendor is making an increasingly profound impact on which vendor they ultimately decide to use for the purchase. So it comes as no surprise that the more popular or famous the account is, the more likely it is to influence purchases.
  • Serif fonts making a return.
    For a long time, serif fonts were poo-poo’d because studies showed they didn’t translate well onscreen. They were deemed hard to read. As screen resolutions have gotten better and style trends have evolved into favoring larger type, though, the readability of serif fonts has improved. As such, this has made them viable for use in logos and branding overall.

Ready to bring your brand in line with the ever-progressing trends? Contact Asterisk Creative. We’re here to help!