Facebook Announces Ranking Factors for Post Comments
Just when you think you’re getting the hang of Facebook and its algorithm, things change. This time, the update comes in the form of ranking factors for post comments.
Facebook will no longer show all comments on a post, nor will comments shown be in chronological order. Instead, the algorithm will work to show you comments that are relevant to you. In a statement from Facebook, they said: “In addition to ranking posts in people’s News Feed, we rank comments on public posts from Pages and people with a lot of followers, since these posts tend to have many comments. In order to show people relevant and quality comments, we incorporate a number of signals…”
These signals include:
- The integrity of the comment.
- How others interact with the comment.
- How the entity that put up the original post interacts with the comment.
In other words, Facebook is looking at who is commenting, if others are liking/reacting/replying to the comments, and if the poster is reacting/replying/hiding/deleting the comments on posts. All of these factors, plus others (like whether the commenter is amongst your friends), determines whether a comment will show to you or not.
At Asterisk Creative, we know that all of the algorithm changes can be confusing and overwhelming for business owners. It can seem like a full-time job keeping up with it all! That’s why we have a social media team whose job it is to stay on top of these changes and to take this off your plate. Ready for help? Give us a shout today!